DealWorld is the solution for the staffing shortages in Finland
DealWorld is specialized in recruiting foreign staff to meet the urgent needs in Finnish talent shortages
Being a human to another fellow human is one of our key values. We want to be there for our workers in their everyday life.
We want to create a safe working environment and offer support for our workers in their own language. We will organize language training for our workers as well as an apartment and a job.
Want to work with us? (To our workers)
It's a huge decision to go and work abroad. How do I find a reliable employer who I can trust and
who will value my work? How will I find a place to stay? Who will help me when I need assistance
with bank or insurance stuff? We at DealWorld promise to be there with you in your everyday life
when you need us. We offer you help and assistance in your own language and if you so wish, we
will help you network with other migrants too. We will be with you from the first day of your journey
because we take honor in taking care of our workers. Ask and we will answer!
To our Partners
DealWorld is a partner in the private and public sector, who's set of values may deviate from
normal. To simply put it: We want to guarantee services for us too when we get old. Someone
could say it nicer by saying that we want to guarantee good and safe care for the patients also in
the future, which is why we recruit workers abroad. In the end, the question comes to whether is the
wallet or the heart leading the action?